Die Hippie-Ära in Afghanistan: Ein Paradies für Reisende und Haschisch-Fans

Die Hippie-Ära in Afghanistan: Ein Paradies für Reisende und Haschisch-Fans

The Hippie Era in Afghanistan: A Paradise for Travelers and Hashish Fans

In the 1960s and 1970s, the hippie era in Afghanistan attracted adventurers from all over the world. The country wowed with its stunning landscape, hospitable people and an open attitude towards drugs, especially hashish. This mix made Afghanistan a hotspot for the alternative travel scene.   Read More..

The “Hippie Trail” – A Journey into the Unknown

Many hippies followed the famous Hippie Trail , a route that led from Europe through Turkey and Iran to Afghanistan. From there they traveled on to India and Nepal. A lively community of dropouts, artists and hashish users flourished, especially in Kabul.  Read More..

Hashish as an integral part of culture

Hashish had a long tradition in Afghanistan . Locals consumed it as did the hippies who visited the country. It was easily accessible, inexpensive and socially acceptable. Locals and travelers often sat together in tea rooms and smoked in good company.

Influence of the Hippie Era on Afghanistan

The hippie era in Afghanistan left clear traces. It brought modernization, cultural exchange and a freer atmosphere. But there were also dark sides: drug use increased and crime increased in some areas. Read More..

The abrupt end of the hippie era

The Soviet invasion in 1979 brought an abrupt end to the hippie era in Afghanistan . The country sank into war and travel became a dangerous undertaking. The once vibrant hippie scene disappeared almost overnight.

Conclusion: An unforgettable era

The hippie era in Afghanistan was a time of freedom, adventure and cultural encounters. Although this era is long gone, it left a lasting mark on the country. Its legacy lives on in memories, travel reports and the fascination for an Afghanistan that was once considered a paradise for free spirits.

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